MAC-CLIMA project aims to generate a meteorological and oceanic observation system to promote resilience and adaptation to climate change.
The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), in collaboration with the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANACIM) of Senegal, the National Meteorological Office of Mauritania (ONMM) and the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of Cape Verde (INMG), carries out three main activities within the framework of the MAC-CLIMA Project (MAC2/3.5b/254) of the INTERREG VA-Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) Territorial Cooperation Program 2014-2020, 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund:
- Delivery of a technical training course on observation and forecasting of dust and sand storms aimed at staff of the African national meteorological services.
- Training in third countries in the management of PM observation equipment, acquired at no cost to the project, and data processing.
- Establishment of a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in African countries, and workshops on its application.
To this end, AEMET has purchased a total of six instruments with its own funds: 3 Calitoo handheld sun photometers and 3 IMDS PM sensors, which will be transferred to ANACIM, ONMM and INMG (one photometer and one meter per country), whose technical staff will proceed to install them once they are received and after having completed an online training workshop, organized by the Barcelona Dust Regional Center, on their use, handling and maintenance.
Thus, a pilot network of photometers and PM sensors will be established, which will provide observation data. These data, in addition to the training activities, will allow the establishment of a Warning Assessment and Advisory System for Dust and Sand Storm Warnings, similar to the already working in Burkina Faso.
More information about the project:
• Cooperation program Interreg-Mac:
• Mac-Clima project:
Link to the MAC-CLIMA Senegal online workshop